Webkinz Signature Bengal Tiger

Webkinz Signature Bengal Tiger. It doesn't have a small signature version. Plush, regular, signature species : The signature white bengal tiger is white with black stripes.

Webkinz Signature Bengal Tiger Images
Webkinz Soft Pink Pony Horse 9 Plush Stuffed Toy No Code No Tush Tag Ganz Webkinz Stuffed Animals Webkinz Pony Horse

← ice swan contest winners. Add both to cart add both to list. The signature endangered bengal tiger comes with an stealthy steak tartar and the wild game gourmet bbq, which is pictured below:

Gallery of Webkinz Signature Bengal Tiger

Its pet specific food is the reptile risotto and its pet specific item is the tiger stripe convertible. The webkinz signature tiger is just gorgeous. $25.00 + shipping + shipping + shipping. Please provide your suggested descriptions in the comments section below.