Gund Animated Flappy Elephant. Animated plush flappy the elephant by baby gund is an adorable singing elephant with two different play modes. Animated plush flappy the elephant by baby gund is an adorable singing elephant with two different play modes. Add to cart hello, baby!
The animated flappy the elephant plush toy by baby gund is an adorable singing elephant with two different play modes: Diapers, wipes, blankets, pacifiers, toys. The gund flappy the elephant plush toy will give your child hours of fun interactive play.
Gallery of Gund Animated Flappy Elephant
Animated plush flappy the elephant by baby gund is an adorable singing elephant with two different play modes. Ears move and flap during play. Flappy the elephant is an adorable singing animated plush with two different play modes. Animated plush flappy the elephant by baby gund is an adorable singing elephant with two different play modes.